Quality Control

Parts are opened in an ESD/MSD compliant area for inspection of the actual items:
- MSD tab is checked for moisture intrusions, if necessary parts will be baked and resealed at an approved test house (certification of this process provided).
- Date code inconsistencies are checked.
- The markings on the part are checked for authenticity.
- Leads are inspected by hand held devices and by microscope if deemed necessary.
If any issues are identified Select then has the following options:
- Reject parts immediately and contact our vendor for an RMA.
- Send parts to be “de-lidded” (destructive physical analysis or DPA) for an inspection of the die and internal wiring.
- Send parts to Select test house to be tested and certified for solderability.
Member of Independent Distributors
of Electronics Association (IDEA)
- AS9120:2016
- ISO 9001:2015
- ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007