
Customer satisfaction is paramount to the success of Select Technology. We are continually striving to meet your needs with the competitive prices, on-time delivery and quality products. Therefore, we are asking for your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out the attached survey.

Your comments will be reviewed and will assist us with our continuous improvement efforts to maintain our status as a World Class Company.

Customer Information:

Name: *
Email: *

1. In your most recent customer service experience, how did you contact the representative?

    If other, please specify:

2. To what degree do you agree with the following statment: Sufficient information was available on the internet to solve my problem.

3. About how long did you have to wait before speaking to a representative?

4. Did our representative do any of the following (check all that apply):

5. About how long did it take to get this problem resolved?

6. How many times did you have to contact customer service before the problem was corrected?

7. To what level of satisfaction has the problem been corrected?

8. How do you rate us on the timeliness of delivery?

9. How do you rate us on Quality of Products?

10. How do you rate us on Proffesionalism/Courtesy of Sales Staff?

11. How do you rate our Overall Performance?

12. If you were less than totally satisfied, what could have been done to serve you better?